Thursday, November 1, 2012

CSA Week #22 (10/25/12)

Two weeks left, I believe. Sad, but true. Our 2012 CSA adventure is coming to an end. I confess that I've been so unbelievably busy the past couple of weeks that it's bittersweet. As much as we enjoy it, it IS one more (quick) errand a week to get the veggies. AND the fall veggies we're getting right now are not ones I can cook up without a recipe. So, they're a little more work to prepare. I'll be honest. And I'm cooking tonight for the first time in a full week, a week, I tell you! Which means those lovely kohlrabi greens from last week languished to a slow death in the fridge. The kohlrabi bulbs might be salvageable. Jury's still out on that one.

This week is presenting some serious challenges to this tired momma. I'll report if I discover anything awesome. For now, I've got Tray-Baked Chicken in the oven with today's sweet potatoes, and it smells delicious. A side salad to go with it using up the last of last week's lettuce....

Today's haul:

  • 1 giant head of lettuce--it's so gorgeous
  • 1 bag green beans! Who knew?! Excited about these
  • 1 bunch kale--it's a different variety than before
  • 1 small acorn squash
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 box red and green tomatoes
  • and... 1 generous bunch beets with greens
Beets?? I've never tried these, but we will now. I hear roasted is the way to go, and I've got my eye on a couple of allrecipes recipes that combine beets with their greens. 

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