
Friday, February 6, 2009

Menu Planning on the Fly: Toddlers, Leftovers, and Asian Grocery Store!

For the first Menu Planning on the Fly, click here. This past week involved a few unique challenges, and here's how we solved them....

Challenges included: last minute cancellation of church Wednesday night (we only go the first Wed of the month because my husband has a deacon meeting that night); unexpected gift of 2.5 dozen eggs from local farm; spur-of-the-moment decision to use Asian grocery store for remaining produce needs; power outage lasting all day; cancellation of Sunday dinner company on Friday night,.... (soups below are from the freezer)

Sunday: Grilled cheese and tomato soup and salad (kids ate all with us!)
Monday: Can't remember--this might have been the night we had Creamy Pesto Sauce with Penne and leftover roasted chicken (and broccoli).... hmmm....
Tuesday: Butternut squash soup, salad, Cuban Rolls (kids LOVED the soup--go figure)
Wednesday: Pot luck with other family in church: we made Sweet Potato Muffins and scrambled eggs; they brought bacon and fruit salad! Used up some eggs and made do for a last minute dinner/fellowship
Thursday: out to eat (power outage)
Friday: Sauteed Chinese Flowering Cabbage, Pad Thai from mix (with added chicken and bean sprouts); kids ate leftovers from night before
Saturday: Stir-fry with chicken, snow peas, bean sprouts, carrot, etc. Steamed buns with red bean paste for dessert! These are so good! (will also make a barley/vegetable soup for lunch that can be eaten again for Sunday's lunch)

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