
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Computer Free Summer

I enjoyed my Lenten fast from the internet so much that I've decided to spend the summer (June-August) computer free as well. We're going to be TV free during the day, too. Our rules?
  • Check email once a day
  • Use internet for business/library related purposes only; no web surfing, recipe surfing, blog reading, blog posting, and so forth*
  • Watch TV only when everyone can be present and it's an "event" (no more kids watching something while Mommy gets something done)
Those aren't hard and fast, but they are the general principles to which we plan to adhere. Which is why this morning, June 1st, my kids are watching TV and I'm on the computer. Great start, huh? I can 'splain: we were without internet/phone for a few days this past week and I didn't have time this weekend to put up this explanation.....

*There are lots of summer-type recipes on this site already as well as some in the draft stage. I do plan to do some blog maintenance over the summer (updating indexes, posting some recipes that have lingered in draft form for a while, and so forth). If you're a subscriber, you'll get automatic updates I suppose. If you're not a subscriber, check in once a month or so if you'd like. I'd encourage you all to get away from the computer as well!

I don't know if you get email/reader updates whenever I update an index. If you do, then I apologize in advance for some clutter that will appear because I know you don't "read" the indexes! I'm not very knowledgeable about the whole blog thing, even though I've had this one for 2+ years now. I just don't have the time (or, honestly, the interest) to figure it all out. But, I'm glad for anyone who benefits from the recipes!

Have a great summer! Enjoy some homemade ice cream--easy or more traditional (we did last night over THE chocolate cake). Go pick some blueberries or blackberries. Gorge on watermelon (have it for dinner!). Buy a bushel of Southern peaches at a roadside stand. Grill out for dinner. Isn't summer food the best?!

P.S. I checked my feedburner account for the first time in, like, a year and was flabbergasted to see that I have 185 subscribers/readers! Thanks, everyone. I had no idea there were people out there who don't know me personally who are interested in my little site.

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