
Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 2-week Menu: the Reality

The best laid plans ....

Here's what really happens sometimes in the kitchens of those of us who actually post our menu plans for the world to see:

Old menu in regular font; new and improved in red. (because I have the ingredients for these meals, hopefully the second half of the month will be more predictable. Thankfully, as I mentioned earlier, well-stored ingredients can be re-purposed into different meals--and winter squash keeps well, too!)

Week 1:
  • Monday: Chicken and Apple Curry (off-site link), rice, green veggie
  • Tuesday: Deli Sandwiches, chips, fruit and/or crudite, cookies
  • Wednesday: Baked Lentils with Cheese (if we're not at church) plus side dish TBA; Nope: Mommy sick: Daddy bought/cooked storebought Chinese stir-fry packet--tasty. Oh--he also bought chocolate chip cookies!
  • Thursday: Chicken Scampi;Mommy still sick; Daddy bought/cooked chicken tenders, chicken wings, and fries (oh--and ice cream!)
  • Friday: Braised Potatoes with Sausage, green veggie of some sort (cabbage?); Nope: Mommy still sick, out-of-town family passing through for dinner: pizza!
  • Saturday: Black Bean Chili with cornbread
  • Sunday: Leftovers for lunch; Pasta with White Sausage Sauce, crudite for dinner. Nope: Leftovers for lunch, but can't remember for dinner...

Week 2:
  • Monday: Apple Chicken; baked sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli
  • Tuesday: PB&J, chips, fruit, dessert
  • Wednesday: Baked Lentils with Cheese (if we're not at church) plus side dish TBA. Nope: Chicken Scampi from ingredients from last week.
  • Thursday: Chicken Lo Mein. Nope--out with some neighbors to fave cheap Mexican joint.
  • Friday: Homemade Pizza. Nope: birthday dinner for 5-year-old daughter. Per her request: ham, homemade mac-n-cheese, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, strawberry cake.
  • Saturday: Butternut Squash Soup with cornbread and salad. Nope: leftovers from last night's great meal.
  • Sunday: leftovers for lunch; Pasta Carbonara for dinner. Nope: ham sandwiches for lunch; Denver omelets and biscuits for dinner.

Desserts to have on hand (or the ingredients on hand):

Pumpkin Cake (maybe)--Not yet
Apple Dumplings--Not yet--I've been too sick/busy so far... but the ingredients are in the house.
Strawberry Cake

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