
Friday, August 16, 2013

CSA Week 10 (8/15/13)

First of all, here is it is mid-August in East TN, and we have our windows open!!! That should be an indicator of our unseasonably cool temperatures. For our friendly CSA-farmers, the Colvins, it means that temps are dropping to the 50s at night for them up on their mountain! That's a good temperature for spring crops, my friends, NOT late summer glories like squashes, tomatoes, green beans, and the like. Another reminder that we do not control every factor surrounding our food source, do we? And a reminder to pray that the Lord will provide good growing weather for the remainder of the season--the Colvins aren't the only ones struggling. Even hay crops are struggling in the area...which means animal feed will go up in cost...which means the meat we see at the grocery store will go up in cost. Pray for your local farmers!!

But despite the crazy weather we're having, the Colvins have managed to provide us with a lovely assortment this week. Here's what I brought home:

  • 2 red tomatoes and 2 lovely yellow tomatoes! (those yellows are tops on my list of tomatoes)
  • bag of onions
  • 3 peaches (from a neighboring farm--they smell wonderful)
  • 4 yellow squash (also from neighboring farm)
  • bag of arugula (yum!)
  • bunch of basil!
  • bunch of radishes (with tops)
I can tell you that this basket provided us with an awesome dinner last night. We're not huge squash fans, so I rarely buy it. But last night, I cooked up what we got and even the kids liked it! So, stay tuned for that easy recipe. I also made one of my favorite simple tomato sauces (one of my oldest recipes on this blog!). I had all the ingredients except the garlic just out of the CSA basket. YUM.

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