
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mission: Graduation

Even though I think of recipes I should put on here ALL THE TIME, I'm taking a sabbatical from full tummies for the semester. I've done this a couple of times over the years when my life is full to overflowing with other commitments. Unfortunately, this is the only way I can impose the right measure of self control on my blogging habits :-).

I have three main New Year's goals this year:

  • pass my Library School Media PRAXIS exam in March
  • pass my comprehensive exams in April
  • graduate from my MSIS program in May
As you can see, those are significant and all have extra workloads attached to them. But they're also all completed by early May! At which point full tummies will come back on line.

In the meantime, enjoy browsing around. Make use of those convenient frozen vegetables in your grocery's freezers or your own whilst we wait for the growing season to start in a few months! And, if you're pining away for some super fresh veggies, consider joining a CSA (such as with the Colvins!) so you'll know fresh veggies will be coming regularly as soon as the season starts. 

If you don't want to have to remember to check back in with full tummies periodically to see if there's anything new, feel free to subscribe in the right hand margin. New recipes will come to your inbox when they next appear.

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