
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Turnip-Potato Mash

Boy is this delicious!! Turnips are lower in calories and carbs than potatoes, but when they are braised and then mashed with cooked potatoes, you can't tell. The result is a lighter version of mashed potatoes that is eagerly requested by our children whenever we get turnips in our basket from the Colvins. The Colvins had potatoes at their booth today, too, so you can get both from them! (I should note that I was most definitely not a turnip fan before I started getting them in my CSA baskets; this is one of the many vegetables we've learned to like!)

Turnip-Potato Mash
~based on Joy of Cooking, 1997 edition

  • 1 recipe braised turnips (about 1 1/2 turnips, tops off, plus chicken stock and butter)
  • 2-3 cups mashed potatoes*
*For mashed potatoes, I just bake a couple of extra potatoes a day or so ahead of time if we're having them for a different meal. If you're not having potatoes earlier in the week, just boil a few potatoes, peel them, and mash for this recipe. No need to have "mashed potatoes" all doctored up. On the other hand, if you happen to have actual leftover mashed potatoes with all their fixin's, I'm sure they'd taste great, too. This is very flexible.

Simply mash the braised turnips and add in the mashed potatoes. That's it! Braising the turnips takes a wee bit of time, but no more than making mashed potatoes from scratch. 

~Serves 6

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