
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

CSA Pick-Up (9/10/14)

I made it to my usual Wednesday pick-up from the Colvins today! The air feels a teensy, tiny bit less hot than last week. I won't go so far as to say it felt cool, mind you. Summer is not giving up the fight easily this year in East Tennessee. However, that teensy, tiny bit is enough to make me think of soup and other fall-ish foods. But our basket is still delivering summer fare! Craziness. Shows how warm it's been. Here's what we brought home:

  • watermelon
  • 1 bag potatoes
  • 1 bag okra
  • 1 box tomatoes (red, yellow, AND green!)
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 bag kale
  • 1 head garlic
  • 1 bag green beans
Dare I hope that we'll make it through an entire CSA season without bringing home eggplant??!! Colvins, are you surreptitiously removing it from my box so I won't complain?? :-)

I've been rather proud of our locavore meals this past week. Sunday, for lunch, we had Colvin arugula and carrots, Colvin potatoes, farmer's market bread, and farmer's market corn. We picked up some local apple cider and apples that afternoon, and last night we had Butternut Squash Soup with Roasted Apple. Tonight's recipe will appear later this week if it's any good, but it involves tomatillos, tomatoes, chilies, onion, and garlic--almost all from our CSA box (I would have used fresh chilies if I'd remembered I had them before I opened a can of chilies...duh). So, stay tuned! And we'll complement our meal with Colvin watermelon for dessert! Yum!

1 comment:

  1. We are all safe from eggplant phobia this year... Crop failure. Were you praying?

    I've learned to sneak it into tacos, burritos, pizza, spaghetti etc. Like Mushrooms it takes on the taste of what you cook it with and it stretches a meal. I'VE HATED the stuff since childhood, but am overcoming it somewhat.. Ha ha.
    The Farmer's Wife
