Thursday, September 6, 2012

CSA Week 15 (9/6/12)

(Betsy dances a little jig) (Also--notice the better photo quality? I've figured out a new spot in the kitchen to take the photo--enhanced by the late afternoon fall sunlight ☺)

Now, before I tell you how excited I am to have kale in our share this week, I must first confess that until last year, I'd never tried kale. Up until 4 years ago or so, I would have protested loudly that I don't like greens!!

But I do, now. I really, really do. And there's something mouthwatering about finally getting some truly savory--even bitter--vegetables after a summer of sweet tomatoes, mild cucumbers and squash, and the like. I want to eat something with punch.

We also had eggplant in the mix, but Isaac (filling in for Caleb this week) loaded me up with tons of extra sweet and hot peppers and I sort of, um, casually mentioned that I didn't really need the eggplant. He offered to trade in something else for it, I said the peppers were good as a trade, but that I would also take some greens if he was offering, and I ended up with an extra head of lettuce as my trade. AWESOME. THANK YOU ISAAC!!! YOU'RE MY HERO. Maybe this is the last eggplant week. I confess that I've thrown several rounds away because it got soft and squishy through my outright neglect ☺. We did discover a recipe that we liked this past Friday, but it's a touch time consuming and I don't have time right now.

On to the list:
  • 1 small-medium sized watermelon!
  • Lots of bell peppers (green, light green, red, yellowy-green)
  • Some chilies
  • Lots of hot peppers (mostly jalapenos)
  • 1 bag potatoes
  • 1 nice sized bag of kale (it's mostly off to the right outside the photo frame)
  • 1 beautiful head lettuce
  • okra
 I haven't even looked at our garden in several days--we had the usual bumper crop cherry/grape tomatoes last I looked as well as some nicely ripening bell peppers. My emeals menu for this coming week (we're trying the "clean eating" version) actually features bell peppers and kale both--so that's awfully convenient.

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