
Thursday, September 19, 2013

CSA Week 15 (9/19/13) + What's Cookin'

Normally, on Thursdays, I only list what we got from the Colvins in our CSA basket. And I'll still list that today. But I'm going to follow it with a list of recipes from full tummies that we've made in the past few weeks. My friend Suzanne (who blogs at Sugared and Spiced Kitchen) and I were musing over the bloggers out there who probably don't really cook or, at least, repeat cook the recipes they post. Are they actually real people who are cooking for real families? Just to reassure that the full tummies folks are indeed real (and very ordinary), I'm going to list our recent full tummies eats!

But first, these yummy goodies from the Colvins (YEA for those super cute little butternuts!!):
  • 1 bag of green beans
  • 1 small bag of okra
  • 3 bell peppers
  • 1 long sweet pepper
  • 1 Poblano (?)
  • 2 jalapenos
  • 1 long green cayenne
  • 1 bag of squash: zucchini, 2 yellow squash, 1 large pattypan
  • 4 cute butternut squash (they ARE stinkin' cute)
  • 1 bunch fresh basil

Full Tummies "eats" from the past month (try one! some of these are oldies on this blog--but we still make them regularly):

Apple Dumplings
Pumpkin Cake
Famous Chili
Black Bean Chili
Okra Saute
Easy Beans and Rice
Curried Chickpeas with Vegetables

(of course the recipes I've been posting weekly are also in our rotation)

1 comment:

  1. You have a basket full of spice this week! I am imagining that Poblano roasted . . .
