Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summertime Discovery: White Balsamic Vinegar

This stuff is delicious! I've long been a fan of regular balsamic vinegar, but a friend recently introduced us to the wonders of white balsamic vinegar. It's got a much milder taste, sort of like rice vinegar as compared with regular vinegar. Here's how we've been using it:

sprinkled over sliced cucumbers and topped with salt and pepper

sprinkled over a turkey sandwich that's piled with some veggies (lettuce, cukes, banana peppers, etc.)

sprinkled in a pita sandwich filled with hummus, feta, and veggies (tomatoes, bell peppers, cukes, red onion, ...)

Really, it makes those fresh summer veggies just sparkle! Try it for a quick, subtle flavor on your next sandwich or salad creation and let me know in the comments what you discover!

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