Monday, July 16, 2012

Cherry Tomatoes... the Harvest Continues

I know I've been mentioning our cherry tomato blitzkrieg, but I feel I must share with you, the faithful fulltummies few, just how abundant this harvest is. Today, I picked not one, not two, but fifty five little beauties. That's over and above the 60+ sitting on my counter in their lovely little crystal bowl. AFTER I made two cherry tomato salads and gave away about 4 cups' worth of raw, unadorned little red globes this weekend....

I'm just sayin'...

The Lord clearly wants us to learn to love this small part of his amazingly beautiful and diverse vegetable kingdom. After all, I didn't even plant these plants. No, I did not. They all came from one--ONE, I tell you--little cherry tomato plant I had last year. All dozen of my current plants are little eager beaver volunteers. I picked the first two grape/Roma-looking hybrids off the volunteers growing near the compost heap. And those bushes are indeed heavy laden with green and yellowing fruit.

It's the Tomato Summer!!

1 comment:

Farmers Wife said...

The best cherry/grape tomatoes grow near the compost pile! Ha ha! One year we moved our chicken pen and the next summer we had the BEST volunteers! We called it, "God's Garden!"

Abundant Blessings,
Val Colvin
The Farmer's Wife